

Trail Count

Yesterday's Activity

Ugly Sweaters Rockin the Trail

Black Girls Do Bike Richmond closed out a year of great memories, determination, friendships, and milestones with their end-of-year ugly sweater ride last weekend. Free and open to the public, participants were encouraged to rock their ugliest sweater with a social gathering, gift exchange, and 13-mile ride on the Capital Trail. Everyone gathered at the Four Mile Creek Trailhead to show off their “ugliest” sweater creations. What started out as an ugly sweater contest quickly became an award for the most creative design. Fellow cyclist, Tanya Toliver Jones won hands down with her homemade sweater featuring blinking lights, bows, tinsel, ornaments, and bells.

Tanya Toliver Jones created her own “ugly” sweater.

Co-Shero Tamara Singleton Broadnax and Sandra Norman.

“What a joyful way to end such a joyful year with a great group of women,” shares Sandra Norman, Co-Shero and facilitator of the Short and Sassy Rides (0-10 mile rides for those new to riding or wanting to get some miles in). The Short and Sassy Riders meet at Dorey Park and hit the Trail mostly on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 8AM from April to November. Group riders come from across the area, from as far away as Emporia and Tappahannock. Other weekly rides range from “Hills on Wheels” (focusing on conquering the Cap Trail’s hill just outside of Richmond) to the 60-mile “Fierce and Fabulous”.

Black Girls Do Bike Richmond is a women’s cycling club with nearly 900 members ranging from beginners to ironwomen according to the other Co-Shero, Tamara Singleton Broadnax! We are so thankful for this amazing group of women and all they do to encourage a passion for cycling and healthy, active living! Interested in learning more? BGDBR will kick off a brand-new year of rides in March followed by an Open House in April. In the meantime, if you decide to grab your ugly sweater for a holiday ride on the Trail be sure to tag us #virginiacapitaltrail or #onthevct! Happy Holidays!

For additional reading check out this great article on women’s cycling in Richmond, Safety in Numbers by Dina Weinstein, Richmond Magazine.