

Trail Count

Yesterday's Activity



“Success is not just what you accomplish in your life, it is about what you inspire others to do." Meet the Wednesday Wine Down Sisterhood! You may have seen this energetic group led by 10k Ambassador Rosalind singing, chanting, and encouraging others as they made their way along the Capital Trail at last week's Monument Avenue 10k. Fellow runners soon nicknamed the group 'Tutu Cute' and 'Tutu Much' as they were met with encouraging laughs and smiles.

“We did miss having bands and people cheering us on; however we did our best to bring that energy to others. This is why we all dressed up, sang a little, and encouraged others.”


Over the Finish Line

While the sisterhood group missed the traditional cheering fans, vendors, and race day hype, running on the Capital Trail brought its own sense of joy.

"The parking, spacious layout, the shaded trails, the beautiful scenery and overall organization of it all was fantastic. Everyone was so friendly and encouraging."

The ‘Tutu Crew’ started strong, kept their energy high, and finished 6.2 miles together.

Sharing Healthy Milestones

When asked what motivated them to run this year’s 10k, it came as no surprise that camaraderie, motivating others to excel, and sharing milestone goals were at the top of the list.

“One of the women in our sisterhood is a runner and a Monument Avenue 10k Ambassador; she invited us as her sisterhood to support her and this 2021 10k event. Our dynamic sisterhood are athletic women who consistently train and work out on varying levels. This event was a continuation of those efforts. I loved sharing my health goals with my sisterhood.”

Spreading Kindness and Joy

In addition to motivating each other to achieve their fitness goals, these dynamic women are continuously looking for ways to spread kindness and joy. They also serve others by volunteering through ground-level homeless projects. What's next for this sisterhood? Rosalind is training to run a 31-mile ultramarathon!

Thank you, Wednesday Wine Down Sisterhood, for sharing your 10k Trail experience with us!

Do you have a Trail story to share, email us at