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Living My Best Life One Adventure at a Time

Embracing A New Beginning

After two hip replacements, Dominga Barboza decided she needed a change. Finding it much harder to traverse the city by bike, she made the decision to move from her home in Scotts Addition to Rocketts Landing to be close to the Virginia Capital Trail and the James River. Shortly after moving in, her son gifted her with a Yorkie Terrier. Wanting to stay active, Dominga began taking walks along the Trail. She would walk 3-4 times a day and while she walked, she would pick up trash along the way. It wasn’t long before she became known to her neighbors as the “Trash Lady with the Dog”. Her daily walks took on a life of their own as people began to join in. The Trail soon became a resource for socializing and connecting with neighbors, a tool for community cleanup efforts, and a way to stay active while taking in the beautiful views of the James River.

“I have learned to appreciate the whole aspect of nature. I draw energy from the trail and the river. I have found my peace.”

Discovering New Paths

Always open to new adventures, Dominga joined cycling groups, Black Girls Do Bike Richmond and Bike Monday Bros. Through weekly rides, she practiced skills and learned important techniques like how to zigzag when approaching steep hills. A technique she used to conquer the hill just outside of Richmond. She also discovered how to use the trail as a gateway into the city, figuring out how to navigate on her bicycle so effectively that she rarely needs to rely on her car.

Dominga has expanded on her outdoor adventures, recently joining the Virginia Boat Club to learn rowing. In her role as coxswain, she is responsible for steering the boat, motivating the crew, and determining race strategy.

Living Life to the Fullest, One Adventure at a Time

From cleanups, cycling, walking, and rowing, Dominga is living her best life, one adventure at a time. She shares her final thoughts.

“You have to support the community you live in and have fun doing it.”

“Be Safe, Have Fun & Ride On” my adventure statement to cyclists on the Capital Trail.”

Thank you, Dominga, for sharing your enthusiasm and zeal for life! See you on the Trail!